Dennis Kucinich asks himself a question at a recent Democratic Discussion Panel. Good for you Dennis! What a great example he sets.
Part 1 of a documentary that explains what a scam our current system of "debt" and money production really is. Very educational.
A Republican Straw Poll in San Francisco is cancelled, supposedly because so many Ron Paul supporters showed up to vote. Shows how much the Republican establishment fears both real democracy and Ron Paul.
Famed academic Noam Chomsky ponders whether renting oneself out by the hour is much different than slavery. Interesting discussion.
Interesting philosophical proposition this guy puts forward: is love inherently evil?
Seymour Hersh reveals that the Bush administration knew for over a year that Iran had no nuclear weapons program. IMPEACH THIS LIAR!
Keith Olbermann reads out hilarious comic strips of "Bill O'Reilly's advice to teens".
Carl Sagan reminds us that we are all must learn to share this one planet together, regardless of our differences.
This female news anchor makes a quip about how hot she thinks the French president is, then refers to Bush as a "monkey" twice. LOL, owned.
Apparently these douchebag soldiers didn't get the "winning hearts and minds" memo.
Pat Condell calls it like it is once again, refuting religion with ease and clarity. Word.
A guy with the gamertag xxxGayBoyxxx compiled a bunch of recordings from his matches to show how insanely homophobic XBox Live players are (NSFW).
Respected scholar Noam Chomsky discusses human nature and our species' capacity to do good.
A Democracy Now report on the tyrannical anti-terrorism legislation passed last month in the US Congress that threatens freedom of speech.
I always knew these two NWO hacks were nothing but a couple of puppets.
The beautiful wife of Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich gives a speech at a campaign stop. Kucinich is a great candidate and the fact that his wife is gorgeous doesn't hurt either!
Some agit prop for Naomi Klein's latest book, "The Shock Doctrine".
Chuck Norris appears in a funny campaign ad for Republican Mike Huckabee. Huckabee may be a creationist douchebag, but you gotta admit he's got a sense of humour!
The fascist shills at FOX News have apparently abandoned any semblance of morality and now openly advocate terrorism. I thought we were fighting a war AGAINST terror, not for it?
Clips from a 1980s movie called "Wrong Is Right," which made eerily accurate predictions of America under Bush.
Noam Chomsky points out the obvious: Republicans and Democrats both serve the same corporate masters.
Rapper Mos Def reads a speech by Malcolm X. Very cool.
Ron Paul points out the irrationality of the entire Federal Reserve system. Here is a man who isn't afraid to speak truth to power.
Disturbing news report on the Kremlin's efforts to silence media criticism of the war in Chechnya by killing Russian journalists.
A cool short video urging you to support Ron Paul.
George Carlin explains the need to always question one's perceived reality.
Tucker Carlson states the obvious: HILLARY CLINTON IS A NEOCON with the same imperial policies as George Bush.
Condoleeza Rice essentially admits that some of the American money that goes "missing" in Iraq winds up funding militias.
The truth is to Ghouliani what onions are to Dracula.
This teacher gives his class a lesson on how fascism rises, and how they need to be vigilant to defend their rights. If only every high school had a teacher like this...
Ron Paul lets FOX know he thinks it's biased, and the FOX reporter agrees!
This is the documentary that Hillary DOESN'T want you to see!
This woman poses a very good question about how the US government is secretly and illegally listening to its peoples' phone calls.
Ron Paul discusses the possibility of appearing on Glenn Beck's show, and his experience on the O'Reilly Factor.
Tucker Carlson says that he supports Ron Paul, but many liberals wouldn't if they knew what Ron Paul really believed in.
A funny thing happens when you fold up a five dollar bill. And if you ask me...ITS NO ACCIDENT!
ABC actually talks about Ron Paul in a possitive way. Weird.
Bill Maher tears the for-profit pharmaceutical industry a new one. Awesome!
Some training video from the SWAT team prooving that cops are retards.
Is that a THIRD airplane I see in the back of this image? The conspiracy hairs on the back of my neck are sticking up.