If it were me, I'll cry of pain
It's really all you need
The sharks are taking care of what's below the water
Mmmmmmm... Dog milk...
That aligator is going poopie in his mouth. And it is sliding down his throat! Nom nom nom
Better than right on the sidewalk, I guess
Two shall enter; one shall wander away in a daze. The wall remains undefeated!
very handy
Wanna play some meat hoops?
very good question. lol
I count $680.
Be careful, or you'll end up spending the rest of your life blowing people.
A surveillance camera catches a thief reaching for a gun out of his pocket and accidentally shooting himself in the nuts while trying to rob a closed business. If he did have the balls to attempt a bank heist, he doesn't anymore - OUCH!
You won't find it here
Oh look, Deep Space Nine with Quark.
This guy has no shame. Not only is he caught filming a young girl�s crotch while she does stretch exercises in public
There's got to be an easier way to do that
Sometimes it's just not going to be your day, however heard you try. Dude, you couldn't have picked a worse time to take a 'break' from arm wrestling if you had tried. Cue drum roll & a very large OMFG!!!
No girls or social situations allowed
It's hot. And oppressive
GASP!! Bananas!! Where are your pyjamas!?
This water faucet sucks up water. The best part is that once a month, the water company sends them a check and a Thank You letter
he just barely resembles a human anymore
now this is as sexy as forty niggers fucking a coconut
They just made their life harder
Go burn your butt!
Who would be stupid to be fooled by this
Hahahaha imagine this happening to you and the people behind you just filming the event and laughing the whole time while you have you underpants in your ass. Actually, i think this scenario is pretty much what anyone would do - LMAO!
Lets volt in!
When Jean Luc Picard says "Engage!" you make it so.
wireless mouse even!
And the award for father of the year goes to.... this guy. Well if he had caught the ball maybe, but he dropped it just like his daughter.
A man being safe.
Anyone have any hand sanitizer?
I would have used a larger and lighter casket!
See? This is what happens when you take the arts out of the schools-- Girls end up in gym class causing accidents.
Obviously with all that shit on his scooter.. He has no need for a helmet.
The baby on the box really looks shocked and surprised. I think the makers of this product had really bad intensions for the use of this.
That sign looks kinda home made.. and British..