The last time these guys knocked something out that quickly was when they attacked the buffet at the Bellagio.
This drum solo was obviously planned because of the spotlight being on him, but his reaction to the limelight probably wasn't planned. Credit to him though, he carries on with the show afterwards!
Looks like fire department has no funds for upgrade
It looks like this children's holiday program was just too sweet for this kid. I'm guessing he celebrates Festivus.
Another Chinese soldier fails at tossing a grenade and nearly blows himself up. Honestly guys, if you throw like a girl this should not be your weapon of choice.
I really don't think i could of ever made it through basic training. By the second 'Aye Sir' I would have been like 'Listen, figure out how you want me to hold this gun, then get back to me.' - It wouldn't have ended well.
I love how some witness the person in front of them slip and fall on the ice, then do the exact same thing. It's as if the evidence at that point was still not strong enough that the sidewalk was slippery, they had to test it themselves.
How did the idea of Santa sneaking in the house while everyone sleeps become the social norm, at least thats how this kid sees it and it's going to keep this girl wide-awake this Christmas Eve for sure.
Those pandas really know how to grind it up, so how come they be going extinct if they making the moves like this? You'd think all the ladyeez would be clawing each other's panda eyes out to get at these fine specimens.
These kids thought it'd be fun to ring a guy's doorbell, then hide. What they didn't know is how it would end. Moral of the story: try not to get in the middle of someone else's prank
Dad and Granddad team up to launch junior into a ceiling fan. I have seen advertisements for the pillow he lands on, I think he would of been better off just hitting the floor.
Car crash TV at it's finest. Watch the cringe-worthy moment when two forever-alone types hook up, get married and have their first ever kiss. Never having kissed anyone is no excuse for being this bad at it.
Maybe they finally got around to seeing the Kobe jumping over a car video and didn't realize that it was faked. This guy has a long and happy life as a non-parent ahead of him!
It's just like they always say, "the third time's a concussion!"
Turkey is yummy in my belly! yo!
Take revenge in the game..
Who said turkey dont have guts to say they can survive? haha.. funny!
This is a fun thanksgiving, thanks to these turkeys!
I'd like to thank gravity for refusing to yield any elevation to this woman and causing her to make a sound that will be my ringtone for the next month.
Random shoppers try out a virtual boxing game and then it all goes wrong.
Quick! Everybody pretend to stop playing all at once!
Awwww, bless! He's scared of a balloon pop, i guess we shouldn't tell him its under the toilet seat then? I find it hard to believe he's not used to much larger explosions in the bathroom.
This kid shows his aunt why she should probably lock her door by appearing in a 'Jason' (Halloween) mask. She has one heck of a reaction
Everyone loves a Halloween prank! One of the simplest and best to play on a child trick or treating.
This dude knocks a guy out in a pool and subsequently rescues him from drowning. They're called manners, people, and he has them in spades.... Plus a pretty mean right hook!
There's nothing like scaring the absolute pants off a younger sibling - Nothing can give you that sense of joy & total OWNAGE - Here's a compilation of just such moments, look at their little faces as they scream for their lives!
I guess the zoo isn't feeding their gorillas as many fresh bananas as they used to
"How are we still on this ride!" - Jack Black?
Dancing is hard and isn't for everyone. For these people, we give them an A for effort, but also an A for entertainment (though not the type they wanted to provide.) Here are 10 of our favorite bad dancers.
A couple guys at the Stockholm Train Station catch a fast walking commuter walk straight into a picture of a store on the wall
Two flower girls were supposed to drop petals down the aisle, one was a bit confused by the whole thing
While doing an awkward dance to a song the little brother sneakily dances along behind his sister.
Come on dude.....a caveman can kick that ball!
Is he making some illegal moves?!
Gotta admit....he does look like Jabba!
During a music video shoot, the lead singer of this band gets brained by a ceiling fan. I have to say, their new sound is just as painful as the old one.
His first gamble was playing the slot machine, and the second one was that he wouldn't throw his back out knocking it over.
Look, everyone else was bored by their vows, too, but you didn't see anyone else acting out.
Another example of how cats are evolving to one day (soon) take over control of the planet and make us their slaves. The only weapon we have against this apocolypse is a laser pointer, gets them every time.
I grabbed some popcorn and sat down all ready to watch this fat kid fail. I got to admit I was a bit surprised when he pulled of some of these moves. I mean seriously, the splits?!