Just another day to laugh
Anyone is hot next to that monster
Horribly disappointing
...and it looks like he's been hiding in US all along.
The awaited break up
When you wear this, I'm sure flies will follow you
You know the scenario, you are at a party, doing the social thing when all of a sudden someone comes over to you to say 'Hai', does some social pleasantries and then introduces you to their 'friend' - OMG!
What can one do when one is surrounded by peasants, especially peasants who try to poke one�s wife through the open window of one�s Rolls-Royce. Bloody rotten ruffians, what?!
Coal mine worker fail. xD
They'd fool me!
When you overcome a serious condition you should tell the world!
You did it in a VERY smart wet.
I don't feel like peeking
He looks so playboy!
What a mischievous smile
Though it looks Photoshopped, this is actually a genuine photograph. Don�t believe me? Type �Bully Whippet� into Google.
Definitely a must have collection
So, how does it smell?
He is so hard
Well at least they still feel young
This has to be the ultimate fantasy that the legend who was Goatse could have ever hoped for - I just hope this doesn't catch on - WTF?
Proving that a picture is worth WAAAAY more than a thousand words - Total genius! Anything that give Bono crap i'm always glad to see.
Have you seen this poor excuse of a man?! Nope, not anymore.
Isn't it weird the effect that political leaders have over young females? At least thereare no cigars involved yet, or maybe that's reserved for Presidents?
I'll take one in a large! No, make it two!
Holy bulk! A Twin?
Having taken her kids on a sight-seeing excursion, Judy had to make good on her promise that they'd see a real live fountain in action - OMFG!!!
Something tells me that if i went to the pool and saw this floating around i would run away screaming and never come back - OMG !
The question is: will the host lucky to stay alive after this if he answer the wrong one?
Hey, I can hear the ocean!
He really got an ugly face. lol
Wacky, wild and crazy faces, i just love it that no two are the same and some are totally WTF!? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, in this case a picture is worth a thousand smiles!
This is what happens when your meth lab explodes
Now I have a new motto " To see in reality is to believe"
You're the one that ate my mother
Ok, we all know there's a lot of things Obama has done wrong during his first term of presidency, but something tells me he is making up for that in spades if his recent activity is anything to go by?
i wanted to say peanut butter at first, but... idk now
Very lazy guy..haha
Do you think the time that the president decided to announce they'd killed Osama was intentional? Not because of the proximity to the mission but because he could get one over on Donald Trump.
Shoot to the hole. lol