Check them out and you tell me what you think.
I guess when he didnt make the national team this guy took his skillz to da street!
This is one sick egg.
I had to see this video twice and I still don't know how it was done.
Funny picture of a thug
I haven't seen this one around.
This is what every party house needs to have.
Nothing ever seems to amazing me.
Do you think he has the balance to do this.
This Sharpe's skin looks like a towel.
These intricate paper cutouts have been well thought out and the result is simply amazing.
The mouse has a pretty good lead
How did he get that dog up there in the first place
Here is the new trailer for Duke Nukem Forever. This could be a sweet game. The trailer looks pretty good.
Cool vid showing how to cheat at school like a pro. Though somehow I doubt the nerds who visit this site have any trouble with academics...
Who is the wise guy here
Guy wasn't watching what he was doing.
This is to damn big for me.
These little tiny bugs look scary.
This wouldn't even be considered a farmers tan!
It's like doing a double take.
Funny random picture for the day.
Do you fit in any of these categories?
Do you think somebody meant to do this?
This guy gets five balls going at the same time! Nice work.
Who do you think will get a hold of the fish first?
Look how I've spotted the Guinness Rainbow.
These are all cool costumes of the year.
I know I've seen that second half before.
Nice meal happenin' tonight!
I think she forgot that bag of Pork Rings
Total Skills!
And people wonder why U.S. is so fat.
And we wonder why crime is at it's all time high.
I'z hungry!!
Here's looking at you kid.
Holy crap! Look at this thing go. Id be worried about getting behind the wheel of this thing. lol
How come this chart says nothing about zombie attacks?
I know what you're thinking...You want one, huh?