I would have used a larger and lighter casket!
See? This is what happens when you take the arts out of the schools-- Girls end up in gym class causing accidents.
Obviously with all that shit on his scooter.. He has no need for a helmet.
The baby on the box really looks shocked and surprised. I think the makers of this product had really bad intensions for the use of this.
This kid attempts to crack a pinata with a loaf of bread but ends up smacking his friend in the face. Absolutely brilliant, thats all there is to say about it.
Well, that is a damn good job but, somebody gonna have to clean this fucking shit up..
That sign looks kinda home made.. and British..
This guy thinks he's found a shortcut.. but all he's earned himself with that extra time is a little extra pain..-LOL
It looks like the water park isn't quite open for business yet. They're still in the process of filling the pools with complete idiots. WTF!?!
In this area, they need a lot of balls
It takes skill. Also glue.
He's SOoooo cute, but what can you do, FAIL know no genre to avoid, it picks on us all. Cute little Pug dog plays with a volleyball on the deck of a pool and falls into the skimmer hole. Mini fail!!!
I guess female sea turtles don't please the males with their mouths
She's gonna sell him :P
Zero degrees is both the temperature required to create the snow for this stunt and what this guy will probably leave college with.
MMA fighter Akihiro Gono feels the agony of de-feet after a swift kick from Dan Hornbuckle.
Now I need some fishing net to grab one or teo of them..
Prophecy says if it fits, you'll be our savior
WOAH! check the pimped beemer in the background!
S'cuse me... Would you mind if I took my car back now? Yeah, it's the orange one in the middle... K, thanx...
Well worth doing if you have the following: A swimming pool, a cat who likes drinking out of a swimming pool, a friend with a video cam, a nice day and big lungs. This can only be done once, cats are smart.
A perfect compliment to any dinner party�snake wine!
With a bootleg Windows XP CD
Now this is what you call a good catch, this man has better reflexes than Spiderman and Spiderman has Spidey sense. Like a finely trained baseball ninja he just senses that ball flying through the air, then BAM! Ain't no thang.
Poverty forces you to be creative
Cuz dey be expensive, na meen?
Sometimes you do things without thinking, sometimes you are just plain dumb! The side-view mirrors should have the following message: Warning, guy who jumps on car is even dumber than he appears. Next time take a bus buddy!
Yeah, but you got no neighborhood protection
But in the time specified only
Sometimes you just kinda forget what you are doing and get sleepy - This dude manages to curl two large stone blocks once then decides to take a nap. WTF!?
This dude's attempt to weaponize Diet Coke and Mentos by dangerously slamming the bottle on the floor takes out his video camera. And who should get a bottle rocket in the face? Cruel world. FACT.
Apparently, the machine causes you to spooge all over it.
I'm guessing the bottom 3 signs are shopped.
in a few seconds, from the rate at which he's spinnin', he will crack his head open and she'll want a divorce,
This stressed out cat can't get through the day without a smoke. It's hard to imagine home many cigarettes this kitten has smoked. He must have sparked up as soon as he was born to be this addicted.
Fancy a cool car, a seriously impressive RV and a styling boat, but don't have the space or the $$$? Then it's time for you to get THIS! 50% van, 50% limo, 50% boat. 150% awesome.
Batman gets into an altercation with a tourist in Vegas and gets taken down. With this new reboot of the franchise, Batman's parents come back to life just to tell them they're disappointed in him.
looks like a pretty crappy chain. bolt cutters can take care of that in a second.
Well, at least it's some sort of Bacon....
Some think he's crazy, some have said he's high on drugs & everyone else just things he was dropped on his head as a kid. Whatever the truth, he's definitely unique