So, where did that bulk came from?
They're about to play a game of Battleship
Nothing to see here just people floating.
A wise man once said; The last thing you want after a cucumber sammich is someone else's pubes in your teeth. Durex take their advertising to bold and disgusting new places in an effort to get them banned from the television.
This is really a fine example of 'hitting the bottle' and the damage alcohol can do to your boby! - I hope he took a page out of Ivan Drago's book and at least tried to say, 'I must break you.'
A good burrito fart would turn this thing into a ghost town.
Isaac Newton is calling you Mr. Goat.
I didn't know baptism is an event to be scared of.
I'd rather eat them
Believe it or not, this is a world record attempt. And Erin O'Keefe and Amy Milano slapped each other a combined 174 times in 15 seconds using 2 slices of pizza. Well done them! They've achieved a great thing, they should be proud.
Its cheaper than to buy small ones that easily run out
I know that it's filled with lumberjacks and women with facial hair problems, but surely this is not what you would expect to see in any civilized (?) country - WTF ?
Kids, there's nothing like starting them early. Well this cheeky peeker will undoubtedly be keeping this one stored in the 'busted' file for years to come as he gets caught on live TV.
I think it's an old crossdresser
Maybe she's just singing along to the music
First rule of fence jump club: NEVER attempt a difficult jump if your buddy has just made it and the whole thing is being recorded on video. The chances of FAIL are so high it isn't worth it.
That must be one heavy assed woman..
i think this is called a tugboat to push really Big boats to shore !! right ?
I refuse to drink out of it until that hair is gone
Can also double as an XXXXXXL condom
The Milwaukee Bucks are known for the rallying cry 'fear the deer'. This was very wise words if you ate at Menomonie restaurant where 2 deer crashed through a glass door disrupting 100's of Bucks fans watching the game.
This is the only thing that keeps them sane.
Aren't he adorable? Being in the center od attraction
A view of hurricane Irene from the International Space Station. It is rather big!
Waiting for my pimpin car!
This dude's attempt to steal a TV ends painfully, but it's for the best. If he tried to steal cable, he'd probably end up hanging himself.
Here's to you Mr. I jacked off till my arms bled guy.
Higher number, more fun
I seriously love videos like this, you just know what is gonna happen before you start to watch it, the only burning question is WHEN this seriously cute chick is gonna fall - LOL!
There's no doubt a car could win
I got this. Just apply the air-brakes.
This guy is trying to teach a 13 1/2 foot alligator a new trick. Lets hope it goes well and he doesn't get in the mood for a human snack. So far I don't think the alligator understands his part in the trick.
I suspect there's penetration as well
Whoever Loses, is totally busted!
Oh my god, such unlady-like.
This dude learns just how important those last 90 degrees in rotation can be when jumping off the high dive.
that should keep woman to diet first before deciding to marry. lol
Archeologists discover proof that the blonde chick banged King Kong.
Look how lavish really their wedding is. Wish I was invited.
Did you guys see it? ahaha..